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ATCA Comics

MsC 780

Collection Dates: 1966 -- 1993)
(Bulk Dates: 1969 -- 1979)
1.5 linear f

Collection Guide

This document describes a Manuscript Collection Collection held by the

Special Collections Department
University of Iowa Libraries

Guide Contents

Administrative Information

Scope and Contents of the Collection

Acquisition and Processing Information

Box Contents List

Administrative Information

Access and Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Digital Surrogates: Except where indicated, this document describes but does not reproduce the actual text, images and objects which make up this collection. Materials are available only in the Special Collections Department.

Copyright:  Please read The University of Iowa Libraries' statement on "Property Rights, Copyright Law, and Permissions to Use Unpublished Materials"

Use of Collections:  The University of Iowa Libraries supports access to the materials, published and unpublished, in its collections. Nonetheless, access to some items may be restricted by their fragile condition or by contractual agreement with donors, and it may not be possible at all times to provide appropriate machinery for reading, viewing or accessing non-paper-based materials. Please read our Use of Manuscripts Statement.

Scope and Contents

The ATCA (Alternative Traditions in the Contemporary Arts) Comics consist of 1.5 linear feet of artists' and underground comics dating from 1966 to 1993. The place of publication for each title has been recorded when known. For locations in the United States, city and state is noted; for foreign locations, city and country is noted when known. Volume and issue numbers and dates are also recorded when known. Many titles do not have volume numbers. When a title was not assigned volume and issue numbers by the publisher but carries an indication of the year of issue, the number of issues present in the collection for that year is noted.

This is an Alternative Traditions in Contemporary Art collection.

Acquisition and Processing Information

The ATCA Comics were donated primarily by Stephen Perkins between 2000 and 2004. Additional donations were made by Ken Friedman, Steven Durland, John Held, and Buster Cleveland.

Guide posted to Internet: February 2005

D. Crites, 2005

Box Contents List

Box 1

Ace Comics. n.p. 1 (1978)

All Girl Thrills . Berkeley, California, 1 issue (no date)

Anarchy Comics. Berkeley, California, 2 (1979); 4 (1987)

Are Your Highs Getting You Down? Berkeley, California (1980)

Bent. n.p. 1971

Biff. London, United Kingdom, 1 issue (no date)

Big Ass Comics. San Francisco, California, 2 (1971)

Bijou. Chicago, Illinois, 1:2-3 (1969)

Bogeyman Comics. San Francisco, California, 1 (1969)

Boyd Comics. n.p. 1 issue (no date)

Bum Wad. San Francisco, California (1971)

Busting Aids. San Francisco, California (1989)

Catalyst Komics. Chicago, Illinois, 490 (1993)

Coochy Cooty. Berkeley, California, 1 (1970)

Clowns. San Francisco, California (1971)

Checkered Demon, The. San Francisco, California, 3 (1979)

Conspiracy Comix. Berkeley, California, 9 (1995)

D.O.A. Comics. San Francisco, California, 1 (1976)

Dr. Atomic. Berkeley, California, 1 (1972)

Dull Comics (by Red Telephone). No Place. 1 issue (1979)

Dying Dolphin, The. Berkeley, California, 1 issue (no date)

Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers. San Francisco, California, no number (1971); 3-4 (1973 -- 1975); 6 (1980)

Fat Lip Funnies. n.p.1 issue (no date)

Fear and Laughter. Princeton, Wisconsin (1977)

Forty Year Old Hippie, The. San Francisco, California, 2 (1979)

Hard Corn. San Francisco, California, 2 (1995)

Herbie. Sparta, Illinois, 6 (1964); 16, 18 (1966)

Incredible Rocky, The. Berkeley, California, (1975)

Box 2

Já Paca. Oeiras, Portugal (1985)

Mom's Homemade Comics. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1:1-3 (1969 -- 1971)

Mother's Oats. San Francisco, California (1969)

Motor City Comics. San Francisco, California, 2 (1970)

Mr. Natural. San Francisco, California, 2 (1971)

Pictopia. Seattle, Washington, 4 (1993)

Quagmire Comics. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1:1 (1970)

Questionable Cartoons. New York , New York (1981)

Radical America Komiks. Madison, Wisconsin, 3:1 (1969)

Raw Meat. Victoria, Canada. 7 (1993)

Rip Off Comix. San Francisco, California, 5 (1979)

Rowan. Columbia Station, Ohio, 1 (1989)

Sacred and Profane. San Francisco, California (1976)

Satan's Master. Chino, California (1986)

Scott Dolan Mini Comics: A Lie That Tells a Lie, Bogus Comics, Every Body Gets It in the End, Potato Eatin' Whiskey Drinkin', "Speaking to" the "Issues", Three-Two Blues, True Love Tales (1992); Beiß Mich, Don't Play Game, The Savor of Beef, The Freshness of Mint, Profound Disappointment (1993); Blue Reader, Fairfielder (1994)

Short Order Comix. Aspen, Colorado, 1 (1973)

Skull Comics. San Francisco, California, 1-2 (1970)

Slow Death. Berkeley, California, 2 (1970)

Sour Puss Comics. Champaign, Illinois, 2 (no date)

Stars and Types. Minden, Germany, 7 (1991) 

Stickboy. Seattle, Washington, 6 (1993)

Sticky Thigh Comics. West Midlands, United Kingdom, 1 (no date)

Subvert Comics. San Francisco, California, 3 (1976)

Box 3

Tales of Sinister Harvey. Camboro, North Carolina (1987)

Tales from the Tube. Berkeley, California (1973)

TBW Comix. Catania, Italy (1989)

Totally Normal. London, United Kingdom, 2 issues (no date)

Two Fools. Berkeley, California (1976)

Uneeda Comix. Berkeley, California, 1 issue (no date)

Works. San Francisco, California (1987)

Works of Art Comics. n.p. (1970)

XYZ Comics. Princeton, Wisconsin (1972)

Yellow Dog Comics. Berkeley, California, 2:5 (no date); 2:13 (1969)

Zap. Berkeley, California, 0-2 (1967 -- 1968); 5-6 (1973?); 9-10 (1978 -- 1982)

Zero. Chatham, New York, 3 (1976)